I suppose you can email them to request the questionnaire:
SFLConsumerProtection@myfloridalegal.com — this looks like a SCAM because government emails MUST end with .gov so that consumers can be certain that they are not being scammed.
I checked out https://legacy.myfloridalegal.com/ — ANYBODY could have cloned the real site to phish for your personal and financial information.
A good article on why they need to switch to .gov:
THOUSANDS of consumers are scammed every day and the FL AG cheerfully PROMOTES these criminals.
Even Mohave County in Arizona finally moved to .gov. Every time I look for a county form I find countless sites PRETENDING to be official sites, and then they demand payment for forms available FREE at the government site. Of course, you can’t determine which site is run by the government when they don’t use .gov.
What can you possibly expect from a government so incredibly incompetent?
We’ll see what happens.