Updated 7/5/24
Filing the BBB complaint #
As we are about to file our BBB complaint, I decided to go through the BBB complaint form so we can all see what information is required.
I entered random info for the REQUIRED fields to be able to move along so I could take the screenshots posted below.
You can SAVE and edit your complaint on page 3 so you can go look for more documentation to upload or edit your complaint summary and desired settlement.
- Demand COMPENSATION for your troubles.
- RESPOND within 10 calendar days or the BBB will close your complaint as RESOLVED and subsequently IMPROVE Sunnova’s BBB rating.
- If Sunnova refuses to pay you, doesn’t answer your questions, etc., respond that the complaint is NOT resolved to LOWER Sunnova’s BBB rating.
When you do not respond within 10 days because Sunnova finally repairs the system or addresses other issues, the BBB rating goes up.
It is Sunnova’s business model to IGNORE malfunctioning systems and customer questions until BBB or regulatory complaints are filed.
Do NOT allow Sunnova to continue to lie, deceive and defraud by not responding to the BBB or by marking the complaint as resolved.
Complaint guidelines #
Be sure to have a look at the BBB Guidelines at
Linked from the Houston BBB complaint page, but this page is from the BBB nationwide, not the Houston BBB:
When you file a complaint
Everything you submit will be forwarded to the business within two business days. The business will be asked to respond within 14 days, and if a response is not received, a second request will be made. You will be notified of the business’s response when we receive it (or you will be notified that we received no response). Complaints are generally closed within 30 days.
Complaint Timeline #
- Complaint is filed.
- BBB works to get the complaint processed within two business days.
- Business will be asked to respond in 14 calendar days from the date you filed the complaint. If a response is not received, a follow-up letter will be sent to the business.
- Consumer will be notified of the business response when the BBB receives it and will be asked to respond.
- If the business fails to respond, the consumer will be notified. Complaints are generally closed within approximately 30 calendar days from the date filed.
Our 2017 BBB complaint took probably half a year, scheduled mediation, rescheduled mediation as we were communicating with Sunnova, and finally settled in mediation.
No editing after submission and publication of your complaint #
Important Notice
- Your complaint cannot be changed, edited, or deleted once it has been submitted.
- An exact copy of your complaint will be sent to the business. [Our copy had all line breaks stripped out, making us look like ranting idiots and making it difficult to read and comprehend our complaint]
- Once a complaint has been closed, the text of the complaint may be publicly posted on Better Business Bureau’s website. Please do not include any personally identifiable information. By submitting your complaint, you represent that it is a truthful account of your experience with the business. The BBB may edit your complaint to remove any personally identifiable information and/or inappropriate language, but ultimately it is your responsibility to remove this information.
- BBB may include complaint/response text for all reportable complaints against a business unless the business receives a high volume of complaints. If this is the case, complaint/response text for a representative sample of complaints may be published, and BBB will disclose the percentage of complaints published.
- Complaints will appear on BBB Business Profiles for three years from the date the complaint was filed with the BBB. [emphasis added]
It is troubling that the last published complaint is from January 2024 and I will be inquiring about that with the BBB. It appears that they are trying to make it look as if there are no new complaints so that they can reinstate Sunnova and regulators stop investigating Sunnova.
Try to follow the BBB instructions #
My draft is way too long!
You can use Word or other document software to draft your complaint so you don’t go over 2000 characters.
Your SETTLEMENT options #
You can select an option such as “Repair”, submit it, and then you can select a 2nd option and maybe more.
Since we have multiple issues and there is no option for contract clarification, we spent so much time and my client has been very stressed, we are going to choose the “other” option and ask for an explanation of contract clauses, an explanation of the use of a Guaranteed Production Schedule with LOWER minimum annual production than the schedule attached to the contract, billing adjustment (credit for my client’s time and stress), repair, Sunnova compliance with contract terms such as monitoring and promptly repairing systems and reimbursement of my fee.
We plan on submitting our complaint over the weekend and will post the substance here.
Page 1 #
Page 2 #
Page 3 with option to SAVE and to continue later #
I tested the “SAVE and Continue Later” option and when I clicked on FILE COMPLAINT:
That worked well. I also received an email every time I saved with the direct link to the complaint.
The information you’ve provided on the form will be accessible for 24 days
So if you don’t get it done in a day, just SAVE it again and you should get another 24 hours.
I’m missing the last page, so busy.